Sabtu, September 26, 2009

Penggunaan Meta Tag
Untuk meningkat trafic web site anda, hal yang tak kalah pentingnya adalah mengenai cara penggunaan meta tag. Meta tag itu berupa:

* Titel atau judul web site anda
Title web site itu berupa tajuk utama yang berkaitan dengan isi pada body page website anda.
Contoh: Web site dan search Engine populer

* Desicription
adalah ringkasan description yang ada pada body page atau halaman web site anda.
Salah satu nilai lebih dari suatu website adalah terdaftar pada search engine populer sehingga mudah ditemukan dan tentu saja akan mendatangkan traffic yang lebih besar.

* Keyword
Keyword atau kata kunci adalah potongan suku kata yang menjadi suku kata penting yang terkait antara description dan title web site.
search engine, search engine populer, web site ">

* Robots
Koding tag seperti ada kaitan dengan sebuah file yaitu file yang diberi nama robots.text

Tag Description DTD
Defines the document type STF
Defines an HTML document STF
Defines the document's body STF


Defines HTML headings STF

Defines a paragraph STF

Inserts a single line break STF

Defines a horizontal line STF
Defines a comment STF
Defines an acronym STF
Defines an abbreviation STF
Defines contact information for the author/owner of a document STF
Defines bold text STF
Defines the text direction STF
Defines big text STF
Defines a long quotation STF
Deprecated. Defines centered text TF
Defines a citation STF
Defines computer code text STF
Defines deleted text STF
Defines a definition term STF
Defines emphasized text STF
Deprecated. Defines font, color, and size for text TF
Defines italic text STF
Defines inserted text STF
Defines keyboard text STF
     Defines preformatted text     STF

Defines a short quotation STF
Deprecated. Defines strikethrough text TF
Defines sample computer code STF
Defines small text STF
Deprecated. Defines strikethrough text TF
Defines strong text STF
Defines subscripted text STF
Defines superscripted text STF
Defines teletype text STF
Deprecated. Defines underlined text TF
Defines a variable part of a text STF
Deprecated. Defines preformatted text <br>Forms <br><form> Defines an HTML form for user input STF<br><input> Defines an input control STF<br><textarea> Defines a multi-line text input control STF<br><button> Defines a push button STF<br><select> Defines a select list (drop-down list) STF<br><optgroup> Defines a group of related options in a select list STF<br><option> Defines an option in a select list STF<br><label> Defines a label for an input element STF<br><fieldset> Defines a border around elements in a form STF<br><legend> Defines a caption for a fieldset element STF<br><isindex> Deprecated. Defines a searchable index related to a document TF<br>Frames <br><frame> Defines a window (a frame) in a frameset F<br><frameset> Defines a set of frames F<br><noframes> Defines an alternate content for users that do not support frames TF<br><iframe> Defines an inline frame TF<br>Images <br><img> Defines an image STF<br><map> Defines an image-map STF<br><area> Defines an area inside an image-map STF<br>Links <br><a> Defines an anchor STF<br><link> Defines the relationship between a document and an external resource STF<br>Lists <br><ul> Defines an unordered list STF<br><ol> Defines an ordered list STF<br><li> Defines a list item STF<br><dir> Deprecated. Defines a directory list TF<br><dl> Defines a definition list STF<br><dt> Defines a term (an item) in a definition list STF<br><dd> Defines a description of a term in a definition list STF<br><menu> Deprecated. Defines a menu list TF<br>Tables <br><table> Defines a table STF<br><caption> Defines a table caption STF<br><th> Defines a header cell in a table STF<br><tr> Defines a row in a table STF<br><td> Defines a cell in a table STF<br><thead> Groups the header content in a table STF<br><tbody> Groups the body content in a table STF<br><tfoot> Groups the footer content in a table STF<br><col> Defines attribute values for one or more columns in a table STF<br><colgroup> Defines a group of columns in a table for formatting STF<br>Styles <br><style> Defines style information for a document STF<br><div> Defines a section in a document STF<br><span> Defines a section in a document STF<br>Meta Info <br><head> Defines information about the document STF<br><title> Defines the document title STF<br><meta> Defines metadata about an HTML document STF<br><base> Defines a default address or a default target for all links on a page STF<br><basefont> Deprecated. Defines a default font, color, or size for the text in a page TF<br>Programming <br><script> Defines a client-side script STF<br><noscript> Defines an alternate content for users that do not support client-side scripts STF<br><applet> Deprecated. Defines an embedded applet TF<br><object> Defines an embedded object STF<br><param> Defines a parameter for an object STF<br><br>Previous Next<br>DeepTrawl; Take the headache out of finding website errors.<br>DeepTrawl; Take the headache out of finding website errors.<br>Go to the DeepTrawl website<br>Download DeepTrawl for PC / Mac<br>See DeepTrawl demo video<br>DeepTrawl; Take the headache out of finding website errors.<br> <br><br>Check your site for errors with one click. No more one-by-one page checks, DeepTrawl will find all the errors on your site in seconds.<br><br>DeepTrawl is incredibly easy to use, simply type the url of your site & hit go. You'll see all the errors in all your pages, including:<br><br> - Dead Links (404's etc.)<br><br> - Missing Images<br><br> - Spelling Mistakes (USA / UK / Canadian English)<br><br> - Invalid xhtml (checked against w3c standards)<br><br> - Common html Errors (missing meta-tags etc.)<br><br> - User Defined Errors (out of date texts/html etc.) <br><br> - Unwanted User Postings (profanity, spam)<br><br>Fix any error easily using the integrated html editor. Download free trial now for PC & Mac.<br><br>More Info || Download Free Trial || Watch Demo Video<br> <br> <br> WEB HOSTING <br>Best Web Hosting<br>PHP MySQL Hosting<br>Top 10 Web Hosting<br>UK Reseller Hosting<br>Web Hosting<br>FREE Web Hosting<br>Just Web Hosting<br>WEB BUILDING<br>Download XML editor<br>FREE Flash Website<br>FREE Web Templates<br>FLIGHT TICKETS<br>Find the cheapest flight<br>to any destination now!<br>EDUCATION<br>US Web Design Schools<br>HTML Certification<br>JavaScript Certification<br>XML Certification<br>PHP Certification<br>ASP Certification<br>STATISTICS<br>Browser Statistics<br>Browser OS<br>Browser Display<br><br>Tag Description DTD<br>Basic <br> Defines the document type STF<br>Defines an HTML document STF<br>Defines the document's body STF<br><h1> to </h1><h6> Defines HTML headings STF<br><p> Defines a paragraph STF<br><br>Inserts a single line break STF<br></p><hr /> Defines a horizontal line STF<br><!--...--> Defines a comment STF<br>Formatting <br><acronym> Defines an acronym STF<br><abbr> Defines an abbreviation STF<br></abbr></acronym><address> Defines contact information for the author/owner of a document STF<br><b> Defines bold text STF<br><bdo> Defines the text direction STF<br><big> Defines big text STF<br></big></bdo></b></address><blockquote><b><bdo><big> Defines a long quotation STF<br></big></bdo></b><center><b><bdo><big> Deprecated. Defines centered text TF<br><cite> Defines a citation STF<br><code> Defines computer code text STF<br><del> Defines deleted text STF<br><dfn> Defines a definition term STF<br><em> Defines emphasized text STF<br><span> Deprecated. Defines font, color, and size for text TF<br><i> Defines italic text STF<br><ins> Defines inserted text STF<br><kbd> Defines keyboard text STF<br></kbd><pre> Defines preformatted text STF<br><q> Defines a short quotation STF<br><s> Deprecated. Defines strikethrough text TF<br><samp> Defines sample computer code STF<br><small> Defines small text STF<br><strike> Deprecated. Defines strikethrough text TF<br><strong> Defines strong text STF<br><sub> Defines subscripted text STF<br><sup> Defines superscripted text STF<br><tt> Defines teletype text STF<br><u> Deprecated. Defines underlined text TF<br><var> Defines a variable part of a text STF<br><xmp> Deprecated. Defines preformatted text <br>Forms <br><form> Defines an HTML form for user input STF<br><input /> Defines an input control STF<br><textarea> Defines a multi-line text input control STF<br><button> Defines a push button STF<br><select> Defines a select list (drop-down list) STF<br><optgroup> Defines a group of related options in a select list STF<br><option> Defines an option in a select list STF<br><label> Defines a label for an input element STF<br><fieldset> Defines a border around elements in a form STF<br><legend> Defines a caption for a fieldset element STF<br><isindex> Deprecated. Defines a searchable index related to a document TF<br>Frames <br><frame /> Defines a window (a frame) in a frameset F<br><frameset> Defines a set of frames F<br><noframes> Defines an alternate content for users that do not support frames TF<br><iframe> Defines an inline frame TF<br>Images <br><img /> Defines an image STF<br><map> Defines an image-map STF<br><area /> Defines an area inside an image-map STF<br>Links <br><a> Defines an anchor STF<br><link /> Defines the relationship between a document and an external resource STF<br>Lists <br><ul> Defines an unordered list STF<br><ol> Defines an ordered list STF<br><li> Defines a list item STF<br><dir> Deprecated. Defines a directory list TF<br><dl> Defines a definition list STF<br><dt> Defines a term (an item) in a definition list STF<br><dd> Defines a description of a term in a definition list STF<br><menu> Deprecated. Defines a menu list TF<br>Tables <br><table> Defines a table STF<br><caption> Defines a table caption STF<br><th> Defines a header cell in a table STF<br><tr> Defines a row in a table STF<br><td> Defines a cell in a table STF<br><thead> Groups the header content in a table STF<br><tbody> Groups the body content in a table STF<br><tfoot> Groups the footer content in a table STF<br><col /> Defines attribute values for one or more columns in a table STF<br><colgroup> Defines a group of columns in a table for formatting STF<br>Styles <br><style> Defines style information for a document STF<br><div> Defines a section in a document STF<br><span> Defines a section in a document STF<br>Meta Info <br><head> Defines information about the document STF<br><title> Defines the document title STF<br><meta> Defines metadata about an HTML document STF<br><base /> Defines a default address or a default target for all links on a page STF<br><basefont /> Deprecated. Defines a default font, color, or size for the text in a page TF<br>Programming <br><script> Defines a client-side script STF<br><noscript> Defines an alternate content for users that do not support client-side scripts STF<br><applet> Deprecated. Defines an embedded applet TF<br><object> Defines an embedded object STF<br><param /> Defines a parameter for an object STF<br>

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