Kamis, Oktober 30, 2008


Banyak cara mecari penghasilan di internet.
Mari belajar bersama klik disini

Senin, Oktober 27, 2008

Links Promosi Bisnis

Untuk yang berminat silahkan gabung di sini:
http://www.blue-surf.net .Bila ingin gabung disini akan mendapatkan imbalan dollar dengan meng klik iklan yang tampil setiap hari, dan juga sekaligus promosikan website anda.

http://Kumpulblogger.com. bila anda bergabung maka akan mendapatkan iklan diwebsite yang anda miliki,jika diklik orang lain maka anda akan dapat imbalan antara 300 perak setiap satu iklan.juga sebagai promosi website yang anda miliki, dan juga akan mendapatkan kotak banner kosong di website anda,dan bila pemasangan iklan tertarik maka kotak tsb akan dipasang iklan mereka dan anda dapat penghasilan 3 persen dari hasil iklan tersebut.Anda tertarik silahkan klik link tersebut diatas.

http://langkahbaru.com. Bila anda bergabung ada penghasilan dengan meng klik iklan yang tampil di setiap hari. ini adalah salah satu program ptc indonesia,


How to create a blog... and get paid!

So you want to start earning some extra cash by blogging but you only have one tiny problem, you have no blog! No problem, by following a few easy steps we will show you how to create a blog, meet the Blogitive requirements, and be quickly on your way earning extra income for simply an hour a week of your time.

1. Find a Blog Network

Ok, to start off you need to find a place to begin a blog, obviously. Below are links to free blog networks that we recommend, if you happen to be technical enough to install the latest WordPress or Moveable Type on your own server well that's even better, but for now we will assume you are not a tech person nor have a server. Remember, we do have a few requirements (see below) so if you choose a free blog not listed here please make sure it will meet our requirements.

If you're looking at becoming a hardcore blogger and want to pay monthly for a blogging application that leaves your competitors in the dust then we suggest checking out SquareSpace or TypePad.

2. Get Your Blog Noticed

Once your blog has been created you must begin to use it. Write about what interests you, from work to sports you name the topic. What is important is that your blog is an active resource that you write in for other people to enjoy. In order for your blog to be eligible for entry into many of the Blogitive revenue models, it must be an active blog, meaning that you must have traffic from sources like search engines like Technorati or Google.

You can get your blog exposure through simple techniques like leaving relevant comments on other blogs that link back to you. Blogs like Engadget, or Autoblog are great examples. Tagging and submitting your site to Technorati is another great way to gain exposure for you blog.

3. Reap the Rewards

So now you have a blog, numerous blog entries, and are finally indexed in a major engine such as Google. What do I do now? Now, my friend, you apply to Blogitive. Our application page has a detailed description of what we specifically require to join (don't worry, you've met the requirements at this point). So go ahead and sign up and enjoy the fruits of your typing labor!


Jumat, Oktober 24, 2008

GPTR and GPTC good site list

Inilah daftar Gptr dan Gptc yang bagus :

Do you need ads?Here are some good sites for you to adrvetise!

Site name Total members Referral Levels(%) minimum redeem
2008mails.com new 15/5 $50000
worldwide-mails 2400+ 10/2 $50000
bobomails 2300+ 30/15 $30000
PayingCash 4600+ 15/10/5/2 $50000
free-kingdom 8800+ 30/10/5/3/1 $1888
cgcash 2700+ 58/8 $8000
Pcash 2300+ 20/10 $500000
PhoenixCash 5500+ 25/8 $8000
BestFlyMails 11400+ 30/25/20/15/10/5 $25000
kiddays 5000+ 15/2 $5500
Hello-Mails 2100+ 15/5 $20000
OK-PTR 2000+ 30/20/10/5/3 $90000
100-USD 5300+ 30/20/10/5/3 $70000
10Dollar-Mail 8600+ 40/30/10/8/5/2 $2000
1-800-Mail 122700+ 7/4/3/2/1 $130
1-Dollar-Mail 43800+ 30/20/10/5/3 $1800
25DollarsMail 4400+ 30/20/15 $100000
2-Dollar-Mail 4700+ 25/20/15/10/5 $150
3-Dollar-Mail 7800+ 100 $500
A-N-Cash 15300+ 25/20/15/10/5/5 $200000
boss-mails 2000+ 11/8/6/5/3/2/1/1 $100000
cat-mails 3000+ 15/8 $50000
Charm-Mail 10000+ 50 $200000
Coast-Mail 10300+ 20/10/5/3/1 $20000
DomainMails 4900+ 20/8 $50
Digital-PTR 7900+ 30/20/10/5/3 $750000
DonkeyCash 4600+ 18/8 $50000
Earn-Emails 12400+ 20/15/10/5/3 $10000
elephant-mails 3000+ 15/8 $10000
Energy-Mails 22300+ 18/5/3/1/1/1 $500
Euro-Emails 3300+ 100/50 $200000
GcrMail 900+ 20/8 $1000
Getor-Mails 4700+ 15/3/2/1/1/1 $3000000
HappyPTR 2800+ 20/10/5 $0.4
HonestPTR 2900+ 16/12/5/1 $300000
Horse-Mails 5000+ 15/8 $50000
Huge-Mails 10100+ 50/20/15/10/5 $16000
IpPoMails 14700+ 25/5/1/1/1/1 $3000000
Lion-Mails 14500+ 25/20 $20000
OK-USD 4300+ 30/20/10/5/3 $30000
Pig-Mails 5600+ 30/20 $3000
ptr-enterprise 9000+ 20/10/5/2/1 $50000
Pretty-Mail 10800+ 50/20 $100000
Puma-Mails 2700+ 15/5 $10000
silvanamails 11000+ 5/3/2/1/1 $1000000
StartMails 5200+ 30/15/10/5/2/1 $180000
SunFlowersPTR 5900+ 16/12/5/1 $300000
TaTa-Cash 19000+ 40/8 $48

Kamis, Oktober 23, 2008


Blogsvertise! It's simple. Earn cash and generate extra income from your blog!

Our Advertisers want YOU to mention and talk about their websites products and services in your blogs and journals. They want the publicity, the exposure, the Buzz! that online bloggers and internet journals can generate for their web site products and services. In exchange blogsvertise pays YOU in paypal per task/blog entry, for writing / talking about / mentioning their website in your blog! COME ON JOINT NOW

Pengalaman-Pengalaman dengan Blogvertise lihat disini


Now add just 1-line of "magic code" to any website or webpage and your site magically just starts pouring money into your pocket!. JOINT NOW

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